Enter your details for an up to date quote now

To calculate your up to date business energy quote, we require your current usage in kWh, or spend in £, this can be calculated monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annually.

Once these details have been entered, you will see a breakdown of our competitive prices.

You will then be able to select a quote duration.

Get Your Online Quote Now

Please choose how much you usually spend/consume.

Monthly Quarterly
6 Monthly Annually

What our customers say

You’ve made the process very simple, turned things around very quickly and kept me up to date all the way. It is really refreshing to have such a service with a new connection.

Rory - Broker

We are really happy with the service from Crown Gas & Power. We submit readings and receive invoices on time.

Catherine - Customer

Categorically an outstanding, dedicated, professional albeit friendly sitework team who have proactively worked with us to deliver substantial results.

Katie - Broker